I jumped off the couch holding my crotch so I wouldn't leak all over the floor and I ran down the hall to the bathroom to sit on the toilet. I swear there was an ocean of water in there, also holding my crotch didn't help... My floors were still soaked!
I called my mother in law while I was on the toilet asking for a ride to the hospital and in less then 5 minutes she was at my door. We arrive at the hospital and at this point I was starting to have contractions although they were irregular and not painful. I got checked out and I was only 1 centimeter dilated so they sent me home to wait.
At this point it was about 12:15 am when I was discharged. As soon as I left the L&D ward I started having strong contractions every 5 minutes. And honestly through out my entire labor my contractions really weren't THAT bad!!
After half an hour of consistent contractions I called the hospital and asked when I should be going in to the hospital. They said to wait until my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart or until I couldn't handle the pain. 45 minutes went by and the hospital called me asking if I was close to the hospital and if I could come back in to get checked out. We arrived at the hospital again around 1:45, I was now 3 centimeters dilated and they had admitted me to the hospital.
My contractions were between 3 and 4 minutes apart and between the time I was admitted until about 6 am I had only dilated to 4 centimeters. At this point they offered me morphine so I gladly took it thinking I would be able to get some rest.. well that was a bust.
I have never done drugs and only have REALLY drank once in my life so I didn't know what to expect when they gave my this blissful needle in the tushy. I couldn't even keep my eyes open I was so out of it!! Here it a little clip of what I looked like on morphine..
That lasted me until about 9:30 am when they came in checked me and told me I hadn't moved from 4 cm so they wanted to give me pattocin (if that's how you spell it) to speed up my contracts and help to dilate me fully. At that point I asked for an epidural because there was no way I wanted to push this child out without being numb!! It took the anesthesiologist 3 TIMES to get that stupid thing in my back!!! But once I had it in it felt like nothing I have ever felt before! I couldn't move anything from the waist down. It was kind of scary to be honest.. I didn't like not having any feeling!!
At this point they wanted me to rest but I was waaayy too excited to do that! It was about 12:30- 1:00 pm when they came to check me again and I was FINALLY fully dilated!! They said they would leave me to try to push his head down more but they told me his head was 2 cm from the exit!! At this point I was like I'm not waiting if his head is right there!!! So I got to start pushing!!!
After 45 minutes of good pushing, my beautiful baby boy Achilles Robert Holbein was born at 2:06! It was the most beautiful moment I have ever experienced! Hearing his perfect little cry and seeing him look up at me ahh just melted my heart!!